Mensies CBD Insider

  • The CBD Patch craze: And the benefits of Mensies

    Menstrual pain. Back pain. Arthritis pain. Chronic pain. We all have some sort of pain we experience throughout life, and every pain out there has meaning. And every meaning comes with a great story that inspires us all to take action to help the greater good. My story began with me doing research in the pharmacology field while finishing my bachelor of science in nutrition and food science. During this crazy busy time in my life, where I literally had no time to take care of a lot of things, like my health (hey, we were all college kids once, we know the grind), I found small hindrances like menstrual cramping, trouble sleeping, pain management, and more to be manageable through the use of CBD. The pain I experienced daily during this stressful time is where I found my beauty and passion - Mensies CBD patches.