You say Full-Spectrum CBD, They say Isolate CBD: What’s The Difference

You say Full-Spectrum CBD, They say Isolate CBD: What’s The Difference

Author Lucene Gilbert / Published: NOV-22-2021


So, let’s say you’re a marijuana connoisseur and you're interested in this whole CBD craze. 

As you dive into research and talk to the pros, they all lead you to different types of CBD products. Different types? Well, yes. There are two, in particular, we’re talking about here: Full-spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate.

A full-spectrum CBD product contains different cannabis plant extracts, like essential oils, terpenes, cannabinol, and if you want it, it can contain up to .3% of THC. The THC dosage and all the other parts of the plant mixed with it are not strong enough to get you high. But this product is beneficial and can help you with anxiety, pain, inflammation, fungal infections, cancer, and seizures.

Isolate CBD is the purest form of CBD of them all, and it comes in a crystal form. It also doesn't have all those cannabis plant compounds like a full-spectrum CBD product does. Instead, it comes from hemp plants, which usually have low doses of THC in them. As a result, Isolate CBD is best for first-time CBD users interested in the health benefits, without the mind-altering and other altering effects.

Okay, so now what?

Isolate CBD may be right for you if you:

  • Want a flavorless product
  • Trying to avoid products that contain THC
  • Like to take large doses of CBD
  • Want a good night’s sleep
  • Are being drug tested (it, unfortunately, happens to the best of us workers out there)


    Full-spectrum CBD may be right for you if you:

  • Want to relax
  • Don’t mind an earthy taste
  • Reduces pain levels
  • Are trying to reduce inflammation or pain
  • Want a less refined product closer to the plant activities

Mensies offers Relax and Under the Weather CBD patches in full-spectrum and isolate CBD forms for those interested in trying our version. These 12-hour time-released patches can help reduce pain and heal simultaneously.

You should always consult with your doctor to see if you should be taking any CBD products. That’s especially important if you’re taking any medication since CBD can interact with certain ones, like those that carry a grapefruit warning.


For more info, follow us!


*Mensies CBD Patches are made with industrial hemp and do not contain grapfruit extract

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