Take your workouts to the next level with CBD

Learn how to gain more workout benefits with CBD 

Lucene Gilbert / Published: Feb-12-2022

There are many health benefits in adding CBD to your workout regimen. While some people will claim that CBD is unmotivating, others say it gives them more energy and even enhances their performance abilities.


When it comes to working out, anxiety was noted as one of the key issues in performing well. This state of mind can increase muscle tension, affect coordination, and in minor cases, cause sweating and nausea. CBD may help get you into the right mindset by improving motivation, and can help you focus on what’s important in your workout and your body. 


As CBD works to lower anxiety levels, it offers the perk of better sleep quality. A good night rest is vital to not only your performance but your overall physical health. Tissue repair happens when you are sleeping so using CBD for sleep can even enhance your recovery. CBD is also known to reduce rapid eye movement, affecting sleep quality and duration. 


When it comes to the post-workout, CBD is shown to boost recovery due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Because you worked out, your muscles engage in an inflammatory response to repair the damage that just occurred. Applying CBD to the area helps your body recover more efficiently.


If you’re deciding whether to take CBD before or after a workout, it really depends on what works best for you. Some people take CBD ahead of a particularly intense session to help prepare both the mind and the body. Others will use CBD lotion and patches following a workout to relieve the muscle inflammation and soreness that follows intense workouts.


From relieving soreness, lowering blood pressure to supporting the mind during a high-intense workout, recovery can come a lot faster with CBD. By applying one of our Mensies CBD Patches to the joint and muscles affected by your workout, the body  can absorb the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD to ease the tightness in the body. To learn more, come visit us at our location today!



A patch full of CBD makes the recovery go round.

Lucene Gilbert / Published: Jan-27-2022

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