It just hits different: Introducing our new CBD Vapes!

It just hits different: Introducing our new CBD Vapes!

Author Lucene Gilbert / Published: Sep-20-2022

There’s a new craze coming to Mensies and it’s not a new line of CBD patches (yet). Are you ready to try CBD vaping, bruh?


Yup. We’re hopping on the CBD vape train because of the numerous wellness benefits it has. Unlike edibles and other ways to take in CBD, vaping reacts almost instantly in the body. But if we want to get technical . . . 


CBD gummies and oil ultimately end up limiting the amount of “bioavailable” Cannabidiol in your system. So basically CBD going through the digestive tracts limits how much of it your body can use. But when you use a CBD vape, you get the CBD “bioavailability” much faster - meaning you’ll be able to enjoy the effects more. 


The most common effects people enjoy feeling include: 


Stress Relief. If you feel anxiety coming on, CBD vape oil works instantly to combat it. By reaching the bloodstream instantly, it has a real-time effect. 

Pain Relief.  Because vaping CBD bypasses digestion that destroys much of it, this helps provide immediate relief from chronic pain. 

Sleep Enhancer. Because of its instant effects and how much it can relax the mind, people who use CBD vaping for sleep aid usually fall asleep quicker and for a longer period of time. 

Better heart health. People who switched to CBD vaping, saw a 1.5 percent better blood vessel function and lesser heart risk. This is because it can reduce plaque buildup in arteries that help repair the damage. 


Now, back to the fun and sort of technical part of our CBD Vapes! We offer two varieties of vape strains including Pineapple Express and White Runtz. The Pineapple Express Hemp CBD Vape hits the spot. This sweet flavor has hints of cedar and cinnamon to kick things into gear. And don’t even get us started on White Runtz. It’s the one-hit-before-bed kind of wonder. Known for its relaxation and sleep aid effects, you’ll be looking forward to unwinding to this premium experience all night long.

If you’re interested in trying our brand-new Mensies CBD Vapes, check us out in-store for more information on what strain may be right for you. Whichever one you choose, just know these magical concoctions help take the edge off and put you in the relaxing state of mind you’ve been longing for! 

Visit CB IN THE D (located in Rustbelt Market, Ferndale) to purchase!


CBD actually works for period cramps

Author Lucene Gilbert / Published: Aug-21-2022

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